por Angela | Dic 17, 2021 | blog
to reveal a secret: We wanted the party to be a surprise, but he let the cat out of the bag.
por Angela | Dic 10, 2021 | blog
MEANING:A phrase normally used by children to indicate they think someone is lying.»Liar, liar, pants on fire» is a children’s jump-rope rhyme also used as a playground taunt. Adults, and especially political commentators, have also been known to use the phrase...
por Angela | Dic 3, 2021 | blog
Las frases hechas son muy recurrentes en todas las lenguas. Tanto en el lenguaje oral como en el escrito, aparecen constantemente en el día a día ¡seguro que ya te has topado con más de una! To be a piece of cake Si algo es un trozo de tarta es que está chupado;...