por Angela | Jun 25, 2021 | blog
TO GO ON SHOPPING SPREE MEANING: to shop excessively; to buy a lot of things in an extravagant way EXAMPLE SENTENCES: We went on a shopping spree. [ = we bought a lot of things in a short period of time] I went on a shopping spree on Saturday. We became friends, and...
por Angela | Jun 18, 2021 | blog
SHAME ON YOU! MEANING: Used for telling someone that they should feel guilty or embarrassed EXAMPLE SENTENCES: Shame on you [ = you should feel shame] for being so rude. Shame on you, Fred. I thought you were my friend! Shame on you for not helping her! I can’t...
por Angela | Jun 11, 2021 | blog
Every dog has his/its day. everyone has good luck or success at some point in their life: Don’t worry, you’ll get chosen for the team. Every dog has its day. You may become famous someday. Every dog has his day. They may not listen to me now, but just...
por Angela | Jun 4, 2021 | blog
***CURSOS INTENSIVOS INGLES- FRANCES- (20% DTO.)**BARCELONA – CENTRO MUNDILINGUA BCN (Telef. 93 423 12 77) Cursos Intensivos para adultos, jóvenes y niños – ONLINE O PRESENCIALES MESES: JULIO y/o SEPTIEMBRE INICIO: 5 DE JULIO 2021 Mes de Julio: Horarios de mañana y...