Los Phrasal Verbs (verbos seguidos de una preposición) son muy comunes en el inglés cotidiano, tanto hablado como escrito, por lo que es muy importante que nos familiaricemos con ellos y sus significados para entender a los hablantes nativos. 

Base on: basarse en 

The film Titanic was based on true events. 

Break up: romper, dividir, finalizar una relación

Anna broke up with Tom when she moved to USA.

Bring up: criar

I’d love to bring my children up in the countryside. 

Carry on: continuar

Let’s carry on with the meeting after a short break. 

Come across: encontrarse con algo

I came across with a picture of my granny while looking for something in a drawer. 

Come back: volver

After all this time living abroad, I can’t be happier to have come back here, where I was born. 

Come out: salir, publicarse en algún sitio, aparecer 

I’m so excited! The new Barbie film is coming out very soon! 

Deal with: lidiar con algo

If you want to become a CEO you have to learn how to deal with stress. 

Depend on: depender de algo

My holiday destination will depend on the money I save during these months. 

Dress up:  vestirse elegante, disfrazarse

She’s all dressed up for the wedding. 

End up: terminar (finalmente, tras un proceso)

After all those years working hard, she ended up becoming the global brand manager. 

Fill in: rellenar, completar

When you fill in the form, please write legibly in blue ink. 

Find out: descubrir, averiguar, enterarse de algo 

You should read this book to find out more information about the Tudors.

Fit in: adaptarse, encajar

The new player is still trying to fit in the team. 

Get along with: llevarse bien, congeniar

I really get along with my mother in law, she is so funny! 

Get on/ get off: subir/bajarse de un transporte. 

We had to hurry to get on the last bus. 

Get together: juntarse

My family get together once a month, we are very close. 

Get rid of:  librarse de algo

It’s time to get rid of these old jeans! 

Give up: rendirse

You are doing amazing! Don’t give up! 

Go on: continuar, seguir

Life goes on. 

Go back: regresar

I can’t wait to go back to Scotland!

Grow up: crecer

She speaks fluent German because she grew up in Munich. 

Hold on: esperar

Hold on a minute, I have to check something. 

Hurry up: darse prisa

Hurry up! We’re late! 

Keep on: continuar

He kept on singing even though the audience wasn’t paying attention. 

Let down: decepcionar 

My sister went to university because she didn’t want to let our parents down. 

Look back: mirar atrás, recordar

Every time i look back upon those years at school, I can’t help but feeling so nostalgic. 

Look forward to: esperar algo con ganas

I’m looking forward to seeing you again! 

Look out: tener cuidado, mirar hacia fuera

She stood up and looked out the window but saw no one. 

Pick up: recoger a alguien

My mother will pick us up in the cinema when the film ends.

Put on: ponerse ropa

Put on a jumper, you’re going to catch a cold! 

Put off: aplazar

The meeting was put off due to bad weather. 

Run out of: quedarse sin algo

We need to go to the market, we’ve run out of milk and fruit. 

Split up: dividir, separarse

Workers were split up into teams for the project. 

Turn on/ off: encender/ apagar

Turn off the lights before you leave the room.

Turn out: resultar

It turned out that the girl sitting next to me was a friend of my brother. 

Watch out: tener cuidado

Watch out! The traffic light is still red!